Saturday, June 21, 2008

Can't stop the funk.

Today was my first real date on the Warped Tour.. Lots of work and sweat pour into this tour.. All for the sake of music. Took a shower and ate a sandwich.. Both of which i haven't done in two and a half days. Someone on the tour flattened two of Alesana's trailer tires. They're fixed now and we are on the road and i am comfy as shit in my bunk. Hope everyone is well.


Lauren said...

Sorry I didn't get to make it to your going away thingy, I was drunk by the end of that fair, oops. Hope you have a good time on tour, and don't so anything I would do haha peath

Miss Dana said...

You got your own bunk on a bus! Who would have ever thought any of us would ever be able to say that? You're my hero.