Wednesday, June 4, 2008

FW: It works!



We're just getting started.


This was a test post sent by my phone. Suzi would be glad to know that I've figured out how to post from the RAZR phone! Thanks, Motorola! I've been at school now for about a half hour and it seems that there will be nothing for me to do but file a small stack of papers for Carol. That's it. It's nice to know that I am getting paid for doing next-to-nothing.

Countdown to Warped Tour is fifteen days away! I've talked to Fearless this week and Bridget is working out my flight out of Lambert and Joyce is working on my laminate. I've been informed that I will not be receiving catering due to the fact that it costs more to feed me with catering on Warped than to give me $100 a week for my own food and shopping (and beer, beer, beer!)

I'll be writing more today, as time is fleeting.


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